08 September 2011


Our stay at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City was wonderful and restful. Now we were heading to Texas so we went next door to the gas station to fuel up for the trip. Leaving the pump area, somehow a pole ended up embedded into the rear of our RV. This was not a good way to start our trip home. Government property damage has to have reports written up, after 35 minuets, they decided the steel post was not damaged so we could go on our merry way.

We were meeting my daughter Chrissy and her family along with her neighbor and her family in Temple, Texas on Belton Lake. This is 40 minuets away from Ft. Hood. My son-in-law, Eric brought his boat and his neighbor Wayne brought their boat also. They rented the screen shelters and pitched tents out side.

We managed to eat, drink, play in the lake the 3 days we were there.

The wild life was everywhere. The deer would come right up to your site and wait for you to feed them. The wild turkeys were all over. What a shame it wasn't near Thanksgiving.

We had a great spot near the lake with a lot of land around us.

This is the end of a great Labor Day weekend.

Heading home to San Antonio. Unloaded the RV and left it parked out front. Our neighbor called us about 7:45 pm and said look out your back door. What a shock! We could smell smoke the minuet I opened the back door. We started watering the fence, yard and the house. They evacuated the apartments 3 blocks down and people in the homes 2 streets away. We were getting papers out of safe and thinking of getting the RV out of the area when they contained it.
It started up again, but after 15 minuets they contained it again. That was to close for me.

Well that's it for the RV trip. We traveled 6,500 miles, drove through 22 states, had 2 accidents in the RV, one in the car, but God had our back the whole trip. We were gone 4 months and not one time did we want to come home. Time to fix the car and the RV then plan our next trip for next year.


  1. Big Finish!!!! So...next trip......??????? Glad you got home safe.
