23 August 2011


We did not have Wi-Fi in the park, could not get a signal with our broad band for 6 days, to make it worse ,we did not have a signal on our phone. To use the phone we had to go outside and stand near the back of the Motor home to get a signal.

Went to Church with Annabell and Larry, my in-laws then drove to have Brunch at St. Mary's. This is a College and retirement complex for Nuns. They serve Brunch to the public from 11 to 2PM each Sunday. They hire students to do the serving.

On our way to Terra Haute we passed Windmill fields. I was surprised to see so many in Indiana. I've seen them in Texas, but never any where else. Be sure to click on the picture to see them up close.

Our next door RV'er told us about the biggest Flee Market in Shipshewanna, Ind. It was 45 Min's from the campsite. It was so worth the trip. The side roads were crowded with Amish buggies. The town is mostly Amish families. Their farming, dairy ice cream, furniture, meat, cheese, quilts ,bed and breakfast are from the Yoder families. The Flee Market was 90% Amish booths. They have such beautiful things. One building was full of meat and cheese that they bring from the farms. We came away from there with 6 bags of stuff and our stomach full of great Amish food.

Elkhart, IN is the Capital of RV's. Many of the RV's are manufactured in the State. Most of the parts needed for repairs for RV's are ordered from Elkhart. We went to the RV MR Museum Foundation. What great progress we have made in 100 years.

When John and I went to Amarillo, TX they had 7 Cadillacs buried motor down so now you can see RV's buried motor down.

When you see how far we have come in RV's the progress is great. Can you imagine being in
Utah with only a potbelly stove for heat?

Now that is a bath tub. Hope the lid doesn't close before you finish bathing.

Oh yea, Mae West had it made in her house car.

John and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on the 16Th of August. We went to a place down the road from our campsite called the Tabor Hill Winery and Restaurant. While we were sitting at the window looking out at the grapevines we heard a helicopter, it landed right in front of our window. The owner of the Restaurant has their Dr and his wife come and have dinner once
a year by sending their own helicopter to transport them.

These little yellow Finches were right outside our window.

We visited St. Joseph's on Lake Michigan. What a beautiful beach.
The oldest merry go round was saved when the State sold the land to build the Park.
Be sure to click on the pictures to see the details.

We will be going to St. Louis, Illinois and park at Queen Casino for 3 days. This has been a great trip.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carol and John...Cathy and I can't wait to go to Elkhart...that must have been a blast! And I never thought of Amish people in Indiana...always think PA!
