03 August 2011


We toured the New York Power Authority which supplies the Niagara Region as this was the 50Th year of power. This was very interesting tour. Its 350 feet above the Niagara River Gorge.

On to the American side of the Falls. These falls are so powerful and the noise is a gigantic roaring sound. We went on the Maid of the Mist boat ride as you can see in the 1st picture. It goes right up to the falls. It gives you the feel you are riding the rapids. They give you a blue rain coat, but that really doesn't keep out the mist which is like a heavy rain storm with winds.

The Cave of the Winds was a climb up to the fall and you could put your hand in the falls. They give you special shoes and a yellow rain coat. The second picture you can see people climbing the stairs to the falls. People who try to go over the falls for fame, do it on the Canadian side as the American side has boulders at the bottom of the falls. Those who go over the falls on the American side are those who want to commit suicide.

You can ride the tram across the gorge if you are brave enough.

This has been such a wonderful trip. Tomorrow we are going to visit the Casino to deposit a little money into their account.

1 comment:

  1. Those are great pics Carol! I think I would be really nervous in that boat going up to the Falls, seems too close for comfort if you ask me. And that is a great pic of you in John in front of the falls in tghe yellow raincoats...you seem so close to it all.

    Good luck at the casino!
