06 June 2011

Johns' Island - South Carolina

June 5th-Sunday after church we drove to Johns' Island in South Carolina to see the most visited tree in Charleston. Reportedly the oldest living Oak Tree. They estimate this tree to be over 1,000 yrs old. The lumber from the live oak forests were used for shipbuilding in the 1800 and 1900 centuries.

Towering over 65 feet high. Recorded history traces the ownership of the living oak and surrounding land back to the year 1717.

A branch like the one John is leaning on sometimes weighs as much as 500 lbs. The size of tree trunks themselves are so large and heavy that some of them rest on the ground and some even drop underground for a few feet and then come back up which is common in the old live oaks.

You could never get all the tree in one shot

The diameter of spread reaching 160 feet and a circumference of nearly 25 feet and covers 17,1000 square feet of ground.

This being the last of things we wanted to see before leaving on Tuesday morning heading to Charlottee NC.


  1. Those trees are so cool looking...there are lots of them in Tallahasse, Florida also. I love how they loop down to the ground and then grow back up!

    Cathy and I went to the Boone Plantation also...I didn't like that they wouldn't let me take pics inside the house, but I loved the row of trees that we saw in the movies...I sepcifically remember North and South!

  2. I know it was a bummer not being able to take pictires.
