22 June 2011

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Virginia Beach is where I came to live from the age of 5 until age 61. My teenage years, marriage, employment, Birthing babies, graduations, children leaving home then husband dying after 41 years of marriage. There is a lot of history in this ole town and many Church,dancing, neighbor and childhood friends. It was a hard decision to pack up and move to Texas where I knew only 4 people in the whole state.

We first camped at Ft Story Military base in the woods. The first night we went outside to have a glass of wine, I was bitten by a yellow Fly. If anyone knows about a yellow fly they have a poison in their bite and will leave whelps or blisters and itch like crazy for over 1 week. That night I was up scratching from 3:30 until 8:00 when John got up. I was miserable. That night I wouldn't even go outside so John went out to put a grill together and he came in and said the yellow fly's were all over him. (This is the same man who says nothing bites him). The next day he had about 40 bite places and we ended up at a pharmacy where we got advice from the Pharmacist on what to do. It has been 8 days and we are still ithing from the bites.

Ft Story has two lighthouses The Old Cape Henry Lighthouse and the New Cape Henry Lighthouse. On March 31, 1791 Alexander Hamilton contracted with John McComb in New York to build an Octagonal Lighthouse. (There are only 9 otagonal lighthouses that survive today). It was Commissioned by George Washington in 1792 and has silently stood watch at the entrance of the Chesapeake Bay for over two centuries. During the Civil War, Confederate Troops damaged the light to render the lighthouse useless. In 1863 Union Troops repaired the equipment and used it to navigate the ships again. Over the years many cracks and structure decay cause the building of a new lighthouse across the street. This one was made from Cast Iron and looks like it was cut in half and put back together wrong. This lighthouse, black and white, was lit on December 15, 1881.

We left Ft Story and moved to Oceana Naval Air Station. The sound of Freedom is music to many people, but when you hear it at 6:30 AM to 10:30 PM its not the sound I love. The park was great but the Jets are a little bit to much. I forgot to tell you we were in the Jet landing pattern.
I really enjoyed seeing old neighbors Jim and Elaine of 25 yrs, golf & RV friends Edna and Ronnie, Generic sisters, Marsha and Triva, Dr. Etheridge and staff, my old employer where John and I got our teeth cleaned, visited gravesites of my husband and sister and all the places that we saw of years gone by.

Well we are on the road again tomorrow. We will be in Ft Meade MD for 4 days.


  1. Carol and John, I have never heard of those yellow flies, but if they are as bad as you say I never want to go anywhere that I might meet them either!!! haha

    I love that lighthouse that looks like it was put together wrong...how bizarre!

    It must have been so nice going "home" again...but remind me sometime how you ended up in Texas while knowing only 4 people. I am sure you must have told me, but I forgot.

  2. Glad you're leaving the flies behind. Next stop Ft. Meade!

  3. They have these in Florida too, we mostly saw them when we were at the beach.
