19 July 2011


We camped 10 miles from Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. There is a great lobster resturant across the street and on Tuesdays The Lobster Lady comes to our park and sells cooked lobsters and clams with corn on the cob. You can either eat at picnic tables or take them back to your RV. What a deal for $18.99. We are eating lobster all the way across New England.

This is 1 1/2 lb cooked to perfection.

These Islands are called The Porcupine Islands. In the first picture the light green area is the Bar Harbor Golf Course.

The Cadillac Mountain is the highest mountain on the Atlantic Coast line. While we were there people were climbing to the top of this mountain. I'm sure if my friends Cathy and Paula were here, they would have gone on the trails and possibly tried to climb it. The mountain has rare pink marble. The Vatican contains a goodly amount of this pink marble.

The first picture is called Sand Beach, but the sand is crushed claim shells that have been crushed and washed up on shore. The home was the summer home of John D. Rockefeller Jr. He donated the largest part of the park over 10,000 acres to Acadia.

Thunder Hole is a very popular place in the park. Timing is essential for the sound of loud thunder. The tide comes in and the waves come in strong and quick, then get sucked under the rock to a cave and then go back out with a loud sound of thunder.

A lobster boat out in the bay was picking up lobster traps. If you click on the second picture you will see the lobster buoys.
As you can see beautiful flowers grow in a crack of the Pink granite. What a great park. If you every get this way Acadia National Park is a must on your list.


  1. I am not sure we could climb the face of those mountains Carol (haha), but I would certainly try any trails they might have. Cathy and I will definately add it to our trip itinerary for next year. GREAT PICS!!!

  2. What a beautiful place! So sorry you are suffering through all that lobster! Stay cool.
