10 July 2011


The town of Newport with many shops for the tourist.

We went to Newport, MS to see the row of Mansions. The Breakers was owned by Cornelius Vanderbuilt ll. The summer home which included a two and a half story high Great Hall and a morning room adorned with platinum leaf wall panels. No photos were allowed inside. There were 3 types of rare marble from Europe, along with alabaster and gilded woods throughout the home.

The back of the mansion was as impressive as the front .

Our next Mansion was due to be torn down to put in apartment buildings. The National Historic made it a landmark in 1901. This was an 18th century villa and a summer retreat by Edward Berwind and his wife Herminie. Edward was a coal magnate. The inside was furnished with beautiful French furniture, Venetian paintings and Chinese lacquer panels.

Each tour took 1 to 2 hours so we were only able to do two out of 10.

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