06 July 2011

Plymouth Rock, Massechuttes

Our drive took about 50 minuets to reach Plymouth Rock. We met our neighbors from Texas. This monument is the first thing you see when heading down to see the rock.

The Indian chief, Massasoit, stands watch over the Atlantic Ocean. His tribe was the first to see the White man. Many trades were made in order to try to communicate.

The traditional site of the disembarkation of William Bradford was here on Plimoth (no I did not misspell it. That was the English way of saying it). The Mayflower Pilgrims founded Plymouth Colony in 1620. Today only 1/3 of the rock still remains. The original rock was estimated to weigh over 22,000 Lbs. There are pieces in the Smithsonian, The Church of the Pilgrims , then in 1870's pieces were sold and tourists chipped small pieces to take away as souvenirs. No pieces have been removed since 1880. This is the second monument that has covered the rock. In 1860 a pavilion was built over the rock, not being inclosed, it could not keep those who wanted to chip away its size. In 1920 a bigger and better monument was erected over the site of the rock and stands today. You have to look over a wall in order to see the rock about 6 feet down, and as you can see in the picture no entry or exit.

We were here on the 4Th of July and the crowds were not heavy. They really go out for the 4Th. The town and all homes are decorated, flags everywhere.First picture is of our neighbors, Ken and Carol standing in front of the replica of the Mayflower. The water was so calm, and sometimes a nice breeze kept us bearable in 80 degree heat with humidity of 75%.

We stopped to eat lunch and the big thing here is to eat a lobster roll. A quarter lb. lobster meat with their own sauce in a toasted hot dog bun. You can get a small one for only $10.95 or the bigger one for$ 18.95. No matter the cost, it is great and delicious.

We did not stay for the fire works as we had a good drive to get back and these roads are 2 lanes of winding roads. We got home in time to watch on TV the fire works.


  1. I am soooo jealous!!!

  2. Brings back lots of good memories and the lobster roll pics make my mouth water!
